Pugliese on PR
Holding a media event
By Tina L. Pugliese, APR, Pugliese Public Relations
Here are some tips to help you design the most effective media event. Whatever form they take, media events are one-stop shopping for reporters, who can usually get everything they need for the story, including media materials, visuals and live interviews. As a result, one of the best ways to get the media to focus on your story is to invite them to a media event.
Events are especially useful for television and newspaper photographers who are more likely to cover your story if they have on-the-spot visuals. Whatever you are planning, your event should last no more than 30-minutes. Reporters are always on deadline.
Choosing the right time for your event will take a bit of homework. It is a good idea to ask your contacts directly if the time you have set will work for them. They may also be aware of conflicting events planned for that day.
Do not forget to give your contacts a lot of warning and to remind them that the event is coming up. Whatever event type you are planning, remember to consider visuals. If you can interest the camera, you are likely to receive better newspaper and TV coverage. Choose a location with a visual connection to your story. Use signs or banners to identify your organization to the media.
It is important to take the time to ensure a good turnout of non-media, community members at your event. There is nothing like a little popularity to make an event or project seem worth covering. It is important to include the people who have helped to make your work possible.
Your announcement is also the perfect opportunity to catch the interest of leaders in your community. Elected officials, the mayor and others welcome the opportunity to show their support and can often attract more media attention to the event. Remember to give them as much notice as possible so they can participate.
A media event uses a combination of communications tools and culminates in an event that draws the media’s attendance. Use a media advisory to announce the event and invite the media. You may also want to send out a news release in advance of the event to provide more information.
You will likely want to produce a media kit to hand out to the media at the event itself. The media event provides opportunities for face-to-face interviews with your spokesperson. The event itself will take significant preparation.
Tina Pugliese's columns on public relations appear in Palm Beach Business.com every other Monday. Her previous column can be found here.
Tina L. Pugliese, APR is an executive coach and counselor for Pugliese Public Relations, a communications firm in Boynton Beach, Florida. Pugliese is an accredited member of the Public Relations Society of America, and is the author of the book, Public Relations for Pharmacists, and e-books, Marketing Your Business for Success, How To Work With The Media, Public Relations Manual — A Guide for Entrepreneurs, and the PR Survival Kit. She can be reached at (561) 889-3575 and by email at Tina@PugliesePR.com. Her web site is www.PugliesePR.com.
Article excerpted from e-book, PR Survival Kit, by Tina L. Pugliese, APR.